Aspiring boxer Chris Wundurra (Parker Little) lives under the shadow of his father, Sammy Wundurra (David Cook), a towering one-time champ in the ring known by his moniker of Wonder-Man. Haunted by a family tragedy, Sammy pushes Chris to take a tilt at a national boxing championship, and while the young man is desperate to impress his fearsome father, he is destined to walk another road…one which doesn’t involve pain and violence.
Heart of the Man is an auspicious debut from First Nations filmmaker David Cook, featuring a star-making turn from Parker Little.
Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival (QLD), tix here
Star Court Theatre (Lismore), tix here
Arts Margaret River (WA)
Theatre Royal Castlemaine (VIC), tix here
Parramatta Riverside (NSW), book here
Red Earth Arts (WA)
Wallis Cinema Mt Barker (SA)